Karen Johnson Property Management - Property Management Services in Tauranga
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Email karen@karenjohnson.nz
Postal Address PO Box 8211, Cherrywood, Tauranga 3145
Home Landlords Tenants Rental Properties Contact Us
Tenancy Application Form
Required *

Address of property applying for
Number of bedrooms
Garage Yes
Fenced Yes
Do you have any pets? Yes
If so, please state type/breed of pet(s)
Maximum rent you wish to pay
Date property required
First name(s) *
Last name *
Date Of Birth *
Email address *
Current Address *
Property Type Rental
 Own Home
Previous Address (prior to the above address) *
Home phone *
Work phone
Mobile phone
Do you smoke? * Yes
 Only Outside
Usual occupation *
Driver licence No. 5a
Driver licence No. 5b
Current Landlord or Agent *
Phone *
What is your main reason for moving? *
Length of time at the property *
Notice required? *
Number of vehicles to be parked at the property *
Vehicle registration(s)
Have you ever had an order made against you by the Tenancy Tribunal? * Yes
If yes, what was the reason?
List all persons to be living in property including children
Name of second occupant
Date Of Birth
Relationship to you
Email Address
Name of third occupant
Date Of Birth
Relationship to you
Email Address
Name of fourth occupant
Date Of Birth
Relationship to you
Email Address
Name of fifth occupant
Date Of Birth
Relationship to you
Email Address
What is your main source of income (e.g. salary, wages, benefit, superannuation etc.) *
Name of current employer *
Employer's phone number *
Position held *
Length of time with this employer *
Your bank account number for automatic payments
Preferred rental payment frequency Weekly
(Contact details of a relative or friend in New Zealand who does not live with you)
Name *
Relationship to you *
Phone *
Address *
Postal address (if different from above)
Name of First Referee
Type of reference
Name of Second Referee
Type of reference
Privacy Statement
This Tenancy Application Form collects personal information about you. The information collected is required to assess your eligibility as a tenant/s for the rental property you have applied for. The information provided on this form will be used to carry out certain tenant criteria checks pursuant to Karen Johnson Property Management Ltd.’s policies and procedures. This may include checks with the Ministry of Justice, Veda or other credit check facilities, reference checks including with current or previous landlords, current or previous employers and character references. If your application is not successful, it will be destroyed within one calendar month of the date of its signing. If your Tenancy Application is successful, your personal information will be stored on Karen Johnson Property Management Ltd.’s property management software and in hard copy in a file for the relevant property for the term of the tenancy. This information may, upon request from the landlord, be provided to them or to their authorised agents. At the end of your tenancy, the information will be archived as required by law for a minimum of seven (7) years. Karen Johnson Property Management Ltd may receive requests from authorities whom have a legislative mandate to collect certain information. Karen Johnson Property Management Ltd will comply with all laws and regulations regarding those requests. For example, this may include providing information to the Police regarding any investigations
I/We the applicant, warrant that the information provided on this Tenancy Application form is true and correct. I/We understand that this application is subject to the approval of the property owner. I/We authorise Karen Johnson Property Management Ltd to conduct reference, credit and Ministry of Justice checks to assess eligibility of this application. I/We understand and agree that if this application is unsuccessful, Karen Johnson Property Management Ltd is not obliged to give reasons for non-approval. I/We understand that in the event that this application is not successful, it will be destroyed after one calendar month. I/We understand and agree that if this application is successful, I/We will be asked to sign a Tenancy Agreement for the property, and
  • pay a minimum of one week's rent (non-refundable deposit to secure the premises)
  • pay up to 4 weeks bond for the property
within 24 hours of acceptance of this application to Karen Johnson Property Management Ltd. I/We also understand that it I/We will be responsible for the connection of utilities (e.g. gas, electricity, internet, telephone etc.) into my/our name by the commencement of the Tenancy.
I have read the Terms and Conditions and confirm that the information that I have provided in this form is true and correct.
Tick the box to confirm *
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